Magician in Maine: It’s been awhile…

Hi Fans and friends! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve made a post here. If you’ve checked you probably saw I change the weblog format and the address name. It seemed to make sense. So what’s been happening with Maine’s Fun Magician & Family Entertainer you ask?! Well let me tell you of a few adventures and new upcoming things.

Where to start, that’s the problem…..Hmmmm….well I guess I’ll just share what comes to mind!

Ah yes! First, I have had the honor and privilege to become the new president for Maine’s Society of American Magicians! I love meeting with this group of guys and it is really great that the guys have bestowed this “Most Illustrious” title. I look forward to help bring magic to a new caliber this year in Maine!


I met with many folks again during the Maine Fair Association Trade show in Portland in January. I have already booked Skowhegan State Fair again, Piscataquis Valley Fair, Harmony Free Fair, and possibly some new ones! This year I started pushing my new magic show called M-AG-icultural which is a magic show about agriculture. I didn;t have as much material ready this year as I had hope for the fair conventions, but will hopefully have everything up and running by the end of the year.

My “Nutrition by Magician” program has been given a bit of new life this year working with Ben Hodgdon of 5210 Let’s Go for Somerset County. We’re hoping that I can present how I tried in the 5210 message into Nutrition by Magician to other county representatives to do extra shows throughout the state. I’m hoping that this new relationship will help me present a healthy message to schools and communities. I know that making healthier choices with more vegetables and fruits, less screen time, a bit if exercise and and removing sugary drinks is a goal that can easily be accomplished! I have officially been working on making healthier choices, since January and I have currently lost 13 pounds without even really trying! 5210 works! I’m looking forward to reporting at the end of this year how my health is by this shift in thinking and making better choices!



Thanks to Square up and my new smart phone (which I think may be smarter than me!) I will now be accepting credit card payments for my services. I hope that this new feature will encourage more bookings and help me be able to do more birthday magic shows in Maine and throughout New England!

After almost 4 months or work and meetings I officially got the ok to start volunteering as a magician at Maine General. In fact, I did my first appearance the other day going from room to room in the rehab wing showing those who are healing some magic to take their minds off of all their stuff for a few moments. It was super fun and everyone was so happy for the visit. I would encourage anyone to try volunteering and see how rewarding it is. Here a picture of my blue lab coat and badge! Image

Well that’s what comes to mind right now…I’m sure other things will pop up in my head as life goes on and I’m going to try (note I said “try” that means no guarantees!) to make a better effort to update this blog a bit more often. It’s nice to share what’s going on in my life with my friends and fans and I do hope you enjoy what I share. Also if you haven’t become a friend of my Facebook page I encourage you to become one! That is the most up to date happenings of Maine Magician Conjuring Carroll as I am frequently posting new info about shows and happenings. You can become a friend by following this link I look forward to having you as a friend!

Remember to find the Magic in life!

Carroll Chapman aka Conjuring Carroll


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